NFT Buyer

Check if the user is an NFT buyer of a collection that's listed on MetaMirror Gallery. You may add additional requirements on the purchase time.

Attribute value

  • True / False

If the user is an NFT buyer of a collection that's listed on MetaMirror Gallery that met all the optional additional requirements, then the user receives True. Otherwise, the user receives False.


First give your attribute a name and a customized icon. You can choose to use the default icon if you wish.

In the description section, explain what is this attribute for.

Select a collection that's listed on MetaMirror from the drop box. By default, this checked if a users has purchased an NFT of this collection in the past in all time.

In addition, you may add some requirements on the purchase.

  • For example, if you wish to create an attribute to check if a user is the first 100 NFT buyers of a collection, you may achieve this by adding a requirement that 'Users must be the first 100 buyers'.

  • If you wish to create an attribute to check if a user is an all-time NFT buyer who spent over 1000 $ROSE, you may achieve this by adding a requirement that 'Minimum 1000 $ROSE required'.

Last updated